Getting started
This tutorial will walk you through the process of installing python-documentcloud and making your first requests.
Provided that you have pip installed, you can install the library like so:
$ pip install python-documentcloud
Creating a client
Before you can interact with DocumentCloud, you first must import the library and initialize a client to talk with the site on your behalf.
>>> from documentcloud import DocumentCloud
>>> client = DocumentCloud()
Since we didn’t provide any log-in credentials, the client above will only be able to access published documents. If have an account at DocumentCloud and want to use that, you can provide the crendentials to the client.
>>> client = DocumentCloud(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
You can also specify a custom uri if you have installed your own version of DocumentCloud
>>> client = DocumentCloud(USERNAME, PASSWORD, base_uri="https://your.documentcloud.domain/api/", auth_uri="https://your.account.server.domain/api/")
If you need to debug, you can pass a logging level as a parameter to the client when you instantiate. You will need to import logging first. There are several logging levels depending on your needs. For this example, we will use the DEBUG level.
>>> import logging
>>> client = DocumentCloud(USERNAME, PASSWORD, loglevel=logging.DEBUG)
Searching for documents
You can now you use client to interact with DocumentCloud. A search for documents about journalist Ruben Salazar would look like this:
>>> obj_list ="Ruben Salazar")
>>> # Let's grab the first one and look at it
>>> obj = obj_list[0]
>>> obj
<Document: Final OIR Report>
Interacting with a document
Once you have you hands on a document object, you can interact with the metadata stored at Here’s a sample:
>>> print(obj.title)
Final OIR Report
>>> print(
>>> print(obj.contributor_organization)
Los Angeles Times
>>> print(obj.canonical_url)
You can even download the PDF, page images and full text.
>>> obj.large_image_url
>>> obj.large_image
>>> obj.full_text
>>> obj.pdf
Uploading a document
You can upload a PDF document from your local machine to Here’s how:
>>> from documentcloud import DocumentCloud
>>> obj = client.documents.upload("/home/ben/pdfs/myfile.pdf")
And you don’t have to provide a path, you can also upload a file object.
>>> from documentcloud import DocumentCloud
>>> pdf = open("/home/ben/pdfs/myfile.pdf", "rb")
>>> obj = client.documents.upload(pdf)
You can also provide URLs that link to PDFs, if that’s the kind of thing you’re into.
>>> client.documents.upload("")
Uploading a document that is not a PDF
- You can upload a document whose file extension is one of the seventy supported filetypes by including the original_extension parameter
(See for supported filetypes) Example: Uploading a JPG file that is stored in your home directory.
>>> obj = self.client.documents.upload("~/test.jpg", original_extension='jpg')
Interacting with a newly uploaded public document
When you first upload a document, your local document object will not reflect some of the metadata and processing that happens in the first few seconds it is on the server. Documents set to public will be shown as private during that short interval. To interact with a document as soon as it is available, you can write a short loop to check whether it is ready.
First upload the document as normal.
>>> import time
>>> from documentcloud import DocumentCloud
>>> obj = client.documents.upload("/home/ben/pdfs/myfile.pdf", access='public')
Then refresh your local document object from the server. If it is does not show up as public, then it is still processing, and you’ll have to check again.
>>> obj = client.documents.get(
>>> while obj.status != 'success':
>>> time.sleep(5)
>>> obj = client.documents.get(
Uploading a directory of documents as a project
Here’s how to upload a directory full of PDFs and add them all to a new project. Be warned, this will upload any documents in directories inside the path you specify.
>>> # Connect to documentcloud
>>> from documentcloud import DocumentCloud
>>> # Create the project
>>> project, created = client.projects.get_or_create_by_title("Groucho Marx's FBI file")
>>> # Upload all the pdfs
>>> obj_list = client.documents.upload_directory('/home/ben/pdfs/groucho_marx/')
>>> # Add the newly created documents to the project
>>> project.document_list = obj_list
>>> # Save the changes to the project
>>> project.put()
If you want to upload a directory of other file types, you can specify the extensions you want. For example, the following will upload all .txt and .jpg files in the groucho_marx directory.
>>> obj_list = client.documents.upload_directory('/home/ben/pdfs/groucho_marx/', extensions = ['.txt', '.jpg'])
If you pass extensions=’None’ it will upload all files that DocumentCloud supprots, regardless of extension type. For example, the following will upload all files that are supported by DocumentCloud in the groucho_marx directory.
>>> obj_list = client.documents.upload_directory('/home/ben/pdfs/groucho_marx/', extensions=None)
Uploading a PDF from a URL
You can upload a PDF from a remote URL in the following way.
>>> from documentcloud import DocumentCloud
>>> url = ""
>>> # Upload the specified URL to the given client
>>> obj = client.documents.upload(url)
Uploading a document with a different supported file type from URL
You can specify the original_extension on upload to to handle other extension types.
>>> from documentcloud import DocumentCloud
>>> url = ""
>>> # Upload the specified URL to the given client
>>> obj = client.documents.upload(url, original_extension='png')
Upload a list of URLs as documents to DocumentCloud
If you are trying to upload a lot of URLs regularly, there is a bulk method to upload them 25 at a time - upload_urls().
>>> urls = ["", ""]
>>> new = client.documents.upload_urls(urls)
>>> new
[<Document: 23932356 - T_072_24thMichiganAR22>, <Document: 23932357 - T_063_CanalCongressAR22>]